Thursday, March 20, 2014

Bring Joy

When I created this, I thought it would be mostly crafty things, but I think I will share some inspirations with you as well. I have a friend that I work closely with, we both work for non profits, so we go to many of the same events, meetings, etc. Almost every day she posts a picture on Facebook and asks "What brought you joy today?". While I don't always answer on her post, it does make me think about what has happened during the day and how I may have brought joy and faith to others.

Earlier this week a group of us went to deliver our Business of the Month prize, as we have been doing the last few months. This time was unique. It was an older man who worked out of his home. His wife had been in the hospital for several months and had come home only a few days before. He was incredibly surprised when we showed up, but not only that, our visit brought joy to his day. He was grateful for the recognition but blessed to have a few people to talk to. As we listened to his story, we all started tearing up, because he was just so happy that his wife was on the road to recovery.

I say all that to say this, you never know what people are going through or how you are able to impact their day. Go out of your way, bring joy, and speak faith. We are blessed.

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