Monday, April 14, 2014


The Color Run was this weekend! Can I just say that we had an absolute blast? Here are things you must do. And a few pictures!

1. Sign up for the very next Color Run that is close to you. You will not regret it!

2. Buy some cheap, super cute sunglasses. The color won't feel all that great in your eyes, so get some shades!

3. Bring your phone, for picture taking purposes. But make sure you have a case that covers the entire thing or put it in a ziplock bag. It's just smart :) (Learned by mistake!)

4. Go to the restroom before you get there. Now, this is not mandatory, but as Kayley said to us on the way, "There is a sea of porta potties" True story. Porta potties freak me out, but that's another story. It involves a Haunted House, although it has nothing to do with me.

5. Bring a change of clothes and towels to put on the seats for the ride home!

Now the fun stuff!

6. Take as many pictures as possible! There are so many opportunities! And I cannot wait to see the ones that the Color Run photographers took as well!

pre color run. my face and hair look so normal

7. Dance around in the color zones! Get as much color on you as possible, although attempt to keep your mouth closed. It's hard when you are laughing, but you may choke on color....hahahahaha and it will turn your teeth blue. Good times.

8. Do snow angels in the color zones. I'm telling you, the color zones are a blast, lay on the ground and do snow angels. At first you will get funny looks but then everyone else will join you. Same with jumping around. It's a blast.

post snow angels and color sprayed in our faces
9. This is probably the most prime event and location for selfies. And no one is going to look at you funny, because they are all doing it!

blue was such a pretty color
10. HAVE FUN! If you are a serious runner, this is not the run to beat your best time. There are like 15,000 people, and you probably will have a hard time running the whole time. So bring a group of friends, walk/run/dance/jump/skip and just have a blast. It will be the #happiest5k ever.

**Also, please go eat in public afterwards. The looks are so worth it. And you will be so happy you will probably brighten someone's day!

photo courtesy of Tracey, taken by that special person who had the privilege of taking our picture


  1. Hahaha this looks awesome!! I always see people doing the color run and it looks like so much fun!!!

  2. Aww, looks like you had a blast! So glad you finally got to do it!!
